Current partners and initiatives

The Foundation supports programs in two key areas, educational/vocational pathways and social connectedness. More information is provided below about these two funding streams as well as a number of the initiatives currently supported by the Reid Malley Foundation. The Foundation supports both local approaches and systems change to improve educational outcomes and social connectedness.

 Education pathways

With a focus on educational outcomes for young people from rural and regional areas, Reid Malley Foundation supports:
  • pathways to tertiary education, and 
  • learning support for young people experiencing educational disadvantage.

Social connectedness and inclusion 

Reid Malley Foundation works to promote social connectedness and inclusion, with a focus on reducing racism and discrimination.

Education pathways

University of Melbourne, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Supporting students undertaking the Master of Engineering at the University of Melbourne since 2016, the Allan Reid Scholarship enables a transformative experience for talented engineering students who have faced significant hardship.

The Scholarship reflects the commitment of the Reid Malley Foundation to ensuring access to education and is awarded to Master of Engineering students in financial need. The scholarship offers recipients financial security and the opportunity to make the most of their student experience, setting these future engineers in good stead for career and further study options. 

Recipients of the Allan Reid Scholarship are supported to pursue their chosen professional and personal paths in life from positions of strength that would not be possible without this scholarship program. 

More information and application process Scholarship report: 2016-2020

Having…truly found my passion, my long term career aspiration is to engineer software solutions that help others thrive. Your scholarship will give me much needed breathing room and allow me to explore during my final year and for that I am incredibly grateful.

Samuel Webster, recipient of the Allan Reid Scholarship

Janet Clarke Hall

As a leading academic college of the University of Melbourne, Janet Clarke Hall provides students with academic support and a welcoming culture enabling friendship and community.

The Janet Reid Scholarship provides an annual scholarship for students displaying academic excellence who would otherwise face significant financial barriers to experiencing College life and its benefits.

The Foundation aims to support the College in providing, "a place of equality and empowerment, founded in the Anglican and feminist traditions, with shared values of respect and mutual care" and "to challenge [its] students to be curious, brave and passionately engaged in the world; responsible citizens and future leaders." Its focus is on supporting young people from rural and regional areas.

Financial support and scholarships at Janet Clarke Hall

Homework clubs

Homework clubs (or learning support programs) provide extra learning support to young people and those from migrant and refugee backgrounds. There are over 350 homework clubs operating across Victoria. These are attended by more than 6000 students weekly and assisted by approximately 1800 volunteer tutors. Clubs run for primary and secondary students and are held in schools, libraries and community centres. They provide support to students with literacy, numeracy and study skills, help build confidence, self-esteem and feelings of connection to school and the wider community and they provide a safe place to study. They can also assist families to gain greater knowledge of the education system and provide opportunities for families to explore practical strategies to support their children’s learning at home.

The Homework Club Collaboration, led by the Centre for Multicultural Youth and the Australian Communities Foundation, was established to address the inadequate funding model for homework clubs. Reid Malley Foundation has been supporting Homework Clubs via this collaboration since 2015. The application process for funding for homework clubs in 2024 has now closed.

More information or find a club near you

La Trobe University

La Trobe Regional Pathways Program

The La Trobe University Regional Pathway Program is a powerful model that supports regional students to realise their dreams of tertiary education and future professional careers. The program provides dedicated support during year 12 to regional and disadvantaged students from public high schools and has a positive impact on educational attainment and local professional skill shortages.

Piloted in other regional areas, Reid Malley Foundation has pledged funding support to the program for four years (2023-2026) to support its expansion to new schools in North-Eastern Victoria and to support regional student pathways into tertiary education.

Further funding for educational support provided by Reid Malley Foundation in 2024 includes:

After its successful partnership with Labertouche Primary School to improve numeracy outcomes, Reid Malley Foundation is once again partnering with Schools Plus and Labertouche Primary School over a three year period to improve literacy outcomes at the school and for the broader region.

A youth movement in Israel for children with and without disabilities providing social support as well as individual tutoring in a group setting.

Social Connectedness and Inclusion

Anti Defamation Commission

Since 1979, the Anti Defamation Commission has been a leading voice denouncing antisemitism and prejudice and shaping the national conversation in the media and public forums towards building a diverse, respectful and tolerant society.

A key program of the Anti Defamation Commission is 'Click Against Hate', an interactive, educational program that for many years has worked with schools to develop an inclusive culture and respectful climate. This program equips young people with strategies to respond to racism and hatred when experienced or witnessed online and in the real world and assists schools in developing inclusive climates as part of a broader strategy to enable all students to thrive and be free of hate.

Find out more

National Council of Jewish Women

of Australia - Victoria

Reid Malley Foundation provides support to Caring Mums, a Melbourne-based community program established in 2011.

Caring Mums is a confidential, free, home-based and nondenominational service that provides emotional support to mums of newborn babies and women during pregnancy. Caring Mums provides community volunteers to support women from a wide range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds in their transition to being a mother.

The program helps to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness and to increase confidence and empower women, including to use local services.

Find out more

Lighthouse Foundation

The Reid Malley Foundation has provided support to The Lighthouse Foundation for many years. 

The Lighthouse Foundation provides homes and therapeutic care to children and young people impacted by long-term neglect, abuse and homelessness. By creating a caring community, Lighthouse Foundation aims to give homeless young people and foster families a place to belong, heal and thrive. 

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