About Reid Malley Foundation

Our journey

Reid Malley Foundation was established by Allan and Janet Reid. Each had long working careers (see below) and they established the Foundation on Allan's retirement in 2014. To date, the Foundation has distributed over three million dollars to a range of eligible charities and institutions.

Reid Malley Foundation is named partly in honour of Janet’s mother, Henrietta Malley.  Like many survivors of totalitarian regimes and the Second World War, who ultimately found refuge in Australia, Henrietta always sought to help others in need, particularly people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Allan and Janet aspire to an Australia that prioritises freedoms - to live and build a better life and to express one’s identity, culture, religion and beliefs.  They are motivated by their desire for a community characterised by compassion, inclusivity and opportunity for all.

You have truly changed my life and I will be forever grateful. As I have said each year, although it will never be enough or express exactly how I feel.

Miriam, recipient of a Reid Malley Foundation Scholarship offered to students of Janet Clarke Hall


The Board of the Trustee Company consists of:

Allan Reid


Allan Reid initially studied engineering. He worked in process plant construction in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Australia before returning to Melbourne University to study for a Master of Business Administration. He spent the next 40 years as a principal in various property related businesses.

Janet Reid OAM

BA (Hons), Dip Slav Studs, LLB

Janet arrived in Australia with her mother Henrietta as a young child in 1949. She later studied languages at Melbourne and Oxford Universities and taught Russian and Polish at Canterbury University in New Zealand. She studied Law as a mature age student before establishing with a partner, the family law firm of Hogg and Reid, a partnership which continued for some 35 years. Janet was awarded an OAM in 2012 “for service to the law through a range of organisations and to the community”.


Tyson Wodak

LL.B (Hons), BA, GDipAppFin, MBioeth, GAICD

Tyson chairs the Board of the Reid Malley Foundation. He was admitted to practice law in 1998, signed the Bar Roll in 2005 and is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Tyson has a strong interest in medical and scientific ethics and has spent many years as a member of ethics committees. He is a director of Bialik College, a cross-communal Jewish school.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is made up of the Board members along with the children of Allan and Janet: Michael, Sally (refer below) and Rebecca Reid. Michael Reid BA, BMus, GDip Bus Sys, has had an extensive career with orchestras, quartets and choirs and now lives with his family in Israel, teaching violin in schools and colleges in Jerusalem. Rebecca Reid BA, BIM, Post Graduate Bachelor of Teaching (Primary and Secondary)  is a Melbourne based teacher. Upon graduation, Rebecca started her teaching career in the Northern Territory in a remote Indigenous Community (Titjikala) before returning to Melbourne in 2006 where she continues to work as a generalist primary school teacher.

Executive Officer

Sally Reid

BA (Hons), MA, MDR, Grad Dip Ed

Sally has extensive experience in Government, Independent Statutory Authority and not for profit contexts in program management and policy reform. She has led multiple partnership programs, working with stakeholders to identify social inequities and implement reforms, including through the implementation and Statewide scaling of multiple youth programs. With a background in Criminology and crime prevention, Sally's particular passion is for reducing the over-representation of refugee, migrant and First Nations young people in the justice system as well as engaging disengaged young people into educational pathways. Sally's cross sectoral experience of funding gives her a unique perspective on 'giving'. Sally is passionate about working in collaboration to develop new models of working and funding that enhance the current service system and improve alignment and coordination between service system needs and funding provision.

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